♥ 1000 Days With M4M

Hello lovely readers!!

Today, 21st of December it’s been 1000 days since China Debut of my favorite group of all times!! (and 1013 days since Korea Debut!!) I can’t believe it’s that long already!!

Okay let me explane a little, since most of you probably don’t even know who they are, their group is called M4M (Mystery Formula). It’s a Chinese boygroup excisting out of Jimmy (Leader), BinBin (Rapper), Vinson (Main Dancer) and Alen (Youngest). Even they are not active now, because of terminating their contract, I still love them.

I’ve been a fan (Formula) since the moment cube released information about a boy group that trained 1400 days secretly~~ [link] I don’t know why, but they had my attention from that moment. And my love for them kept going on. I’m usually getting bored of a group easily, but not with them ^-^

I will show on this post what I made for this 1000 days celebration. (I will keep updating until I finished all, I’m struggling lately with life, so i’m not getting stuff done as fast as I want.)


anyway, here’s the first artwork:

I'll be there, with you, forever

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