Here you can find all the Amigurumi patterns I made for Ufufy’s!
I listed them in alphbetical order so you can easily find which I made. Have fun!
I have listed them all in Alphabetical order, so you can easily find them. Simply click the title to go to the pattern.

♥ 7 Dwarfs
Started with Dopey, ended up with 7!

♥ Chip Mug
How adorable is he?! I love how small he turned out!

♥ Chip and Dale
Those two shouldn’t be left out!

♥ Cheshire Cat
From Alice in Wonderland

♥ Donald & Daisy Duck
This Lovely couple can’t be missed in this ufufy collection!

♥ Eeyore
Love this cutie, one of my favorite Winnie the Pooh Characters.

♥ Flounder
From the Little Mermaid!

♥ Dopey
The start of the Snow White Ufufy Patterns!

♥ Dumbo
I think Dumbo is still one of my favorites.

♥ Goofy
Not my favorite Character, but I just can’t leave him out.

♥ Marie
An all time favorite from the Aristocat’s movie!

♥ Mickey
The all time favorite, can’t leave him out!

♥ Minnie
What’s Mickey without Minnie?! So here she is!

♥ Mrs. Potts
What would Chip do without her?!

♥ Piglet
You can’t have pooh without Piglet, Right?!

♥ Pluto
He’s just adorable and needs a pattern here!

♥ Pluto V2.0
I had to remake him, cause I really wanted the eyes in the pattern!

♥ Sakura Ufufy
An adorable idea to turn any excisting Ufufy pattern into a Sakura version!

♥ Snow White
The 7 dwarfs without Snow White?! That’s impossible! So here she is!

♥ Thumper
From Bambi!

♥ Tigger
Can’t believe I almost forgot to make him!

♥ Winnie The Pooh
Can’t have Pooh without his honey pot, right?!

♥ Halloween add ons
Cute things to make, so you can dress up your ufufy!