♥ The Contest Began

Hello lovely readers!

So in November I was looking for new art supplies, when am I not?! Then I bumped in this coloring contest hosted by Goedkoopstehobby.nl. Surprisingly I found out about a contest on time! and not just a few days left or past the deadline already, what happens usually xD. I just knew I had to join.

I printed out the coloring picture for me and my mom (my mom wanted to try too!) and started coloring. I had no clue how I wanted to color the picture, in my eyes the picture was very boring, but in the end that was a good thing cause I could put a lot creativity in.

After hours, days of work I finaly finished my drawing. It might have took longer as I wanted, but in the end I was happy with the result. obvisiously my mom finished it way before me, but decided to scan both at the same time. Sended my drawing in (my mom hers) and waited until the drawings were posted. At this point, I never could imagine how it would go from here.

Creativity Travels Through Time and SpaceThis is my drawing


Some of the drawings got posted earlier as the deadline hasn’t past yet. One of them was mine. I didn’t know what was going on, until I checked my email and got the question “did you color it by hand or digital?” I was confused for a moment but then I saw it as a compliment that they had to ask if it was traditional or digital, so I happily replied that I drew it all by hand and took me so much time. The respond I got at the facebook page where all the drawings were posted…after the host said I drew it by hand… not even normal, I even got called a liar, while I knew I spended so many hours on it. (I couldn’t reply at facebook since I don’t own a facebook page). I was so sad and angry, I couldn’t sleep that night, I kept thinking of ways how to proove I made it with pencil and paint.

The next day I made many pictures of my drawing, in different angles. Also I made some kind of tutorial on how I colored all the different sections. emailed the host again with my story. I got the reply if he could post it on the facebook page with my drawing, and I said yes, Ofcourse. And now I finally got respect for my drawing!

Some of the pictures I made and the tutorial (More picture on my dropbox):

The voting proces has begon. I usually hate votings (bad experience), but here they said they will pick 2 winners themself and 2 based on the voting, so I was okay with that and just wait until the results were out. I had no clue who would win, because I liked several.

I became first!!

I won a 120 pencil case of Faber Castell polychromos!! I am still so happy with them!! I owned polys already, but I draw a lot so they shrink fast xD AND I could give the old ones to my mom, so in a way she won too ^_^. Here’s a drawing I did with my new pencils (I needed some time before I dared to use them. They were to pretty to use~~)

The Reckoning

In the end everything worked out. So I wanna tell you, no matter what happens, NEVER GIVE UP!

With Love,

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