Hey Lovelies!
It’s Mickey Wreath time!! This easy, yet cute wreath is so much fun to make, and quit fast. You can use any color of garlands you want. The good thing with this DIY is that you probably have most materials at home already. So you can start right away! ^-^

For this DIY you’ll need:
♥ A Red and a Gold Garland (about 270cm in length).
♥ Wire.
♥ Aluminum foil.
♥ Paper. (optional)
♥ Pencil. (optional)
♥ Hot glue gun and glue.
♥ Something to cut the wire with.
♥ How to make the Wreath
Start with drawing the shape you want, on to a piece of paper (I used 2 sheets of A4 and sticked them together). This template you will use to see if you bend the wire the right way. If you feel comfortable to bend the wire without template, go ahead!
The big circle of my Mickey head is about 20cm in section, to give you an idea how big mine is. Ofcourse you can make yours bigger or smaller.

Next you will start bending the wire, if you use a template place these underneath. Just follow the lines and twist the wire where needed (the 1st picture underneath is a small schedule where to start and where to end). To secure the wire where I twisted it, I added some tape, but you can totally skip that.
When you have the shape in wire you will start adding the aluminum foil around it, just add small strokes until you are happy with the thickness. I didn’t add to much, cause you need to keep in mind, that the garland will add to the thickness as well!
Now it’s time for the fun part! Wrapping the garlands around the base of wire and aluminum foil. Glue both of the garlands to the back of the base (at our starting point) and start wrapping it around. I did first a part of the big circle and then I did an ear and cutted it off and glued it to the base. Glued the Garlands to the base again and wrapped the rest of the big circle and did the other ear. When everything is covered with Garland you are pretty much done.

The only thing left to do is, make a hook of the left over of the wire at the top of the head. Just bend it down in the middel so you have your hook, add yarn to it and hang it wherever you like in your home! And now, while writing this, I’m like how cute would it look with some light around the wreath as well..hmm..
And a little bonus, I made some small wreath to hang in the tree! Just take 2 pipe cleaners of 30 and twist them together and just like with the wire, bend them in the shape you want and you are ready ^-^

Have a beautiful day everyone!
And don’t forget to show me your work with the #delinleaDIY