It’s Christmas time~~ *sings*
I love this time of the year, all the lights and decoration, it just makes me feel good! Even though I’m struggling with life lately, I decided to stay away from social media for a while, I will see when I go back and start using it again =).
In the mean while, I made a some christmas decoration (and made some food, but before I even can make pictures it’s gone already, thank you family haha love you anyway)
Let me show you how some parts of my room look and some decoration I made ^^ (and yup, Jimmy had to be there =P)

And let me show now what I made and where I got the inspiration from! ^^

I made this Santa out of Foam, I wanted to make it for years and finally found the time to make him! Isn’t he cute?! Here’s the tutorial I used for it *Click* (Warning it’s in Spanish!)

And then it was time for Crochet, somehow I always start making things I love to do, but never do *sigh I’m stupid xD I should do things I love more often, and not focus on one medium. Anyway, for the stockings I used this pattern. I love them, only the picture I made I don’t like hmm.
And isn’t Santa’s lil helper cute? I made 2 actually, I couldn’t stop! Here’s the pattern (warning it’s in spanish, let me know if you need help). Last but not least the gingerbread cookie! When I saw the image, I was like ‘I have to make him!’ and I did! I only used this picture as reference.

I saw those kind of wine glasses painted all over the internet, I fell in love with the idea! So I made my own version of it, a Penguin!! Adorable right?! I only learned that I need to use quality acrylics to paint, like the white and not cheap ones like the black, it somehow comes off with every layer of paint you add, it gets all crumbly >_<. Now I actually wanna paint more wine glasses *_* (I have 2 more, so I actually can, what?!).

Woops, I almost forgot my christmas tree made out of paper, the technix is called Quilling. You basicly roll up paper stripes (3mm) and then you give it the shape you want. After I got all the shapes, I made a paper cone and glued all rolls on there ^^ decorating with some hearts, and thats it, easy peasy haha xD

Last but not least, A SPARKLE BALL *_* when I saw those on youtube here. I just had to make it, got the materials right away and made one! I only found out that I didn’t got the right cups, so I had to improvise a little *sigh I think it took me 4 hours ORZ. Oh well I am very happy with how it looks on my wall, so pretty *_*.
I hope you like what I made! Maybe some inpiration, maybe not for this year, but next year? ^^
With love,