• Delinlea

      Hi! Thank you for loving my pattern. I can understand that the ears are a bit confusing and I hope I can make it a bit more clear to you.

      I guess you understand ‘part1′ of the ears.
      Those 2 pieces you made, you need to connect to each other. That’s ‘part2’ of the ears.
      Use the ‘part1’ you left the yarn attached to first, just continue to crochet 9SC on that one. Ch2 and get the second ‘part1’. You will attach them together now, you do that with just crocheting a SC in that part and continue to SC around on the second part, that should be 18SC. Now you are at the 2chains you made earlier, in those 2 you will put a SC. After that you are back at the first ‘part1’. crochet the 9 remaining SC on there.
      Now you have connected those pieces and can continue as normal.

      I hope this makes more sense now? If not, let me know, I’ll try to explain it in another way.
      Good Luck!


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